For a complete listing of the town's municipal code, click here or view the listings below.
The Town will be posting adopted ordinances on the Muni Code Library
505 Emergency Ord Med Mar Dis Morator
506 Setting Violation Penalties
507 Animal Control Enforcement
508 Duties of Appointed Officers
509 Limiting Number of Dogs per Premise
510 Prohibiting Medical Marijuana Operation
511 Amend title 17 & 9 of Dolores Muni/LUC Marijuana
512 Certifying Money owed on taxes
513 Marijuana Reg Possession/Consumption on Town Property
514 Alcohol Reg Possession/Consumption on Town Property
516 Emergency Ord Correction Muni-Code Chapter 1-10 Municipal Elections
517 Prohibiting Marijuana in Town of Dolores
518 Adopt the 2010 Model Traffic Code
519 Amend #518 Setting speed limits on the town
520 Renew cable franchise agreement Charter Communications
521 Provide tasting at Liquor stores/Liquor licensed drug stores
522 Regulate vehicles/traffic repealing all ordinances and conflicts
523 Ordinance amending weed/rubbish regulations
524 Emergency Disaster Declaration
525 Provision of Cable/Television Service/Telecommunication per to 29-27-201 CRS
526 Prohibit issuance for medical marijuana centers sunsetting 12-31-2018
527 Regulate use of OHV in town streets, alley, and other property
528 Emergency Ord require cross connection and black flow prevention
531 Election date of write-in candidate affidavit
534 Repeal Chapter/Sections of Criminal Ord Dolores Muni code
535 Amend Chapter 1.12 General Penalty Sec 1.12.010 Violation/Penalty Muni Code
537 Emergency Ord extend Marijuana Facilities Prohibition
538 Amend Chptr 9.28 of the Muni Code to include releasing arrow from a bow or crossbow
539 Amend Art VI Section A(1) (c) and (3) of LUC
540 Emergency Ord Prohibit consideration and issuance of Medical Marijuana
542 Authorizing sales of Town owned property st 111 N 14th to Dolores School District RE-4A
543 Emergency Ord concerning COVID-19 a public health emergency
544 Emergency Ord providing virtual meetings
545 Authorizing execution and delivery of loan agreement between Dolores St Bank and Town
548 Establish discount program on base rate water/sewer for elderly low-income persons
549 Adopting 2020 Model Traffic Code by reference
550 Establish compensation for Board and Committees
551 Amend Sec 2.04.30 of Muni Code concerning regular & special meetings
552 Amend Title 5 of Muni Code Article ll & lll of 1998 LUC allowing Short Term Rentals
554 Amend title 5 &13 of Muni code to allow and regulate mobile food trucks and push carts
556 Amend LUC art. 9 & 13, amend title 17 of Muni code (Hazards & Procedures)
557 An Ordinance repealing and reenacting portions of the Dolores Land Use Code
558 An Ordinance Annexing Certain Town Owned Property to the Town and Zoning Such lands.
565 An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code to Promote Affordable Housing
566 An Ordinance Amending the Land Use Code to Promote Affordable Housing II
579 An Ordinance Amending Title 5 of the Dolores Municipal COde Pertaining to Special Events