An Explanation of the New ½ Cent Tax Increase

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Thank you voters and citizens of the Town of Dolores, you passed a .005 tax increase for the maintenance of our roads. This ½ penny will help us pay for mag chloride to keep the dust down on the streets, continue to motor grade the streets to eliminate potholes, fix curbs and gutters, and pay for maintenance personel.

What this means to your pocketbook: For every dollar you spend at the food market you get charged a ½ a penny. Technically this is a rounding issue that now comes to the town to pay for maintenance. Here is a chart for further understanding:

                                                                                         $1.00 = .005 or a half penny
                                                                                         $10.00 = .05 or a nickel
                                                                                         $100.00 = .50 or 50 cents

I hope this helps to understand the tax increase. The vote was 148 yes to 79 no. It passed by 53.3%. Please feel free to call Leigh Reeves if you have any questions.