Thank you for your patience while we move into our new Town Hall located at 601 Central Ave. We will have no phone service beginning today, April 26, 2024, and we will be slow to respond to email except for the Interim Town Manager, who will check email via mobile phone every 15 minutes until the phones have been restored.


FYI for Central Avenue Residents

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FYI Central Avenue Residents. 

The forecast is for a snow fall event that may require town street snow plowing.

See this information about parking during a snow event. Please find alternative parking before you go to bed. Thank you for cooperating!

10.12.020 Emergency, snow removal parking restrictions.

There shall be no parking during a snow storm from two a.m. until six a.m. on Central Avenue between 4th and 12th streets and 4th street between Railroad and Central Avenue. 

The penalty for a violation of section 10.12.020 Dolores Town Code shall be as set forth in section 10.04.040 Penalties Dolores Town Code. 

In addition the town may remove and impound at owners expense any vehicle parked in violation of section 10.12.020. 

(Ord. No. 494, 12-14-2009)