Thank you for your patience while we move into our new Town Hall located at 601 Central Ave. We will have no phone service beginning today, April 26, 2024, and we will be slow to respond to email except for the Interim Town Manager, who will check email via mobile phone every 15 minutes until the phones have been restored.


Notice of Abatement and Demolition

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Now, therefore, be it known, that notice is hereby given that the building (Old Town Hall) located at 420 Central Avenue Dolores Colorado. Will be scheduled for asbestos and demolition abatement on or after May 20th, 2024. Please see the Town of Dolores website for more information. For questions or concerns please contact the Town Manager, Leigh Reeves at or call 970-882-7720. 

/s/ Tammy Neely 
Dolores Town Clerk