Thank you for your patience while we move into our new Town Hall located at 601 Central Ave. We will have no phone service beginning today, April 26, 2024, and we will be slow to respond to email except for the Interim Town Manager, who will check email via mobile phone every 15 minutes until the phones have been restored.


Public Notice Regarding Moving Office Locations

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The Town of Dolores Administration building at 420 Central Ave will be moving to 601 Central Ave on or before May 13th. We will need to be closed to move our technology, i.e. servers, internet, and physical items. Our closure will be 3-5 days. During this closure, we will not be accepting payments, drop-off permit requests or other town business.

Please be hereby notified,  that we will be executing an asbestos removal plan and then demolishing 420 Central Ave. We will be adding approximately 6000 sq ft to Flanders Park for the enjoyment of the citizens of Dolores and their families.

Leigh Reeves
Interim Dolores Town Manager
420 Central Ave
PO Box 630
Dolores, CO 81323
970-882-7720 office